Strategic Sales and

Business Development

in Asia Pacific

  Strategic Sales and Business Development

      in Asia Pacific

Singapore - China - India - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Thailand - Vietnam - Indonesia - Philippines - Australia

Are Your Products Already Being Sold in Asia Pacific?

(Here's Why That's Important!)


Bevölkerung Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific's population is more than 10x larger than the US and more than 8x larger than the EU.

Purchasing Power

Asia Pacific Kaufkraft

Although the average purchasing power per capita is in many APAC countries still considerably lower than that of industrial nations, combined it is rapidly growing and already NOW a massive economic force.

Economic Growth

Durchschnittliches Wirtschaftswachstum Asia Pacific

Also in the long term, it must be expected that the countries in the region will show much stronger economic growth than the large industrial nations in the west.

Not Selling in APAC Yet?

Already Selling in APAC?

Not Selling in APAC Yet?

Already Selling in APAC?

If Your Products Are NOT Being Sold in Asia Pacific YET,

then your best case scenario is: Missing out on...

  • continuously high economic growth
  • rapidly growing purchasing power
  • massive increase in demand
  • lots of still unsaturated markets
  • hunger for intelligent functionality and modern designs
  • still big gaps in supply
  • competition in many areas still weak and locally underdeveloped
  • prosperity-focused consumers
  • scoring as a western brand with high quality, precision, punctuality, and reliability!

Your worst case scenario might be

your Asian competitor soon moving into your home markets

  • with lower prices
  • on a surprisingly high technological level
  • hiring your best agents and sales people
  • with stunning financial power

But, you already know this.

If Your Products Are ALREADY Being Sold in Asia Pacific,

then you are - no doubt - aware that that's no walk in the park.

  • different legal systems and conceptions
  • bureaucracy, language confusions, cultural barriers
  • different educational standards
  • fragmented supply chains
  • inefficient workflows (both internally and with external partners)
  • different perceptions of quality, work completion, punctuality, precision, service, accountability,...
  • different demands on design and functionality due to different values
  • the need for highly localized sales activities
  • the need to "internationalize" existing business processes

How's It Going So Far?

  • Are your plans efficiently implemented?
  • Are your efforts having the desired effect?
  • Are your teams proficient and determined?
  • Are your processes efficient?
  • Are your goals ambitious enough?
  • Is your growth matching the speed of Asia?

Are Your Efforts Yielding the Fruits You Hoped For?

Here's What We Do!

  • to boost your sales performance and growth
  • to improve transparency and control
  • to reducyour risk
  • to lower your entry capital requirements

Asia Pacific Business Development

Coaching & Consulting

  • review of current metrics and results
  • analysis of current structures / workflows / methods
  • identification of possible bottlenecks / frictions / pain points
  • development of specific steps for improvement
  • sustainable implementation of improvements
  • start up planning
  • business plan review
  • market research / market analysis / market fit analysis

Asia Pacific Business Development

Coaching & Consulting

  • review of current metrics and results
  • analysis of current structures / workflows / methods
  • identification of possible bottlenecks / frictions / pain points
  • development of specific steps for improvement
  • sustainable implementation of improvements
  • start up planning
  • business plan review
  • market research / market analysis / market fit analysis

Asia Pacific Business Development


  • review of current metrics and results
  • analysis of current structures / workflows / methods
  • identification of possible bottlenecks / frictions / pain points
  • formulation of a custom business development strategy
  • development of sales channels (on- and offline)
  • client experience mapping
  • definition of the core market message
  • optimization of kpis and reporting structure

Asia Pacific Business Development


  • review of current metrics and results
  • analysis of current structures / workflows / methods
  • identification of possible bottlenecks / frictions / pain points
  • formulation of a custom business development strategy
  • development of sales channels (on- and offline)
  • client experience mapping
  • definition of the core market message
  • optimization of kpis and reporting structure

Asia Pacific Business Development

Management on Demand

  • regional or local ceo/coo/cmo on demand
  • experienced temporary replacement leadership
  • cost efficient part time leadership solutions
  • project management
  • start up management
  • turnaround management
  • importer/distributor/partner management

Asia Pacific Business Development

Management on Demand

  • regional or local ceo/coo/cmo on demand
  • experienced temporary replacement leadership
  • cost efficient part time leadership solutions
  • project management
  • start up management
  • turnaround management
  • importer/distributor/partner management

Thomas Zagler? Who's That?

Thomas Zagler

26+ Years Business Development in APAC

  • Born in Vienna / Austria
  • 1997 move to Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
  • Project Quality Assurance (38 Factories, approx. 7,000 Employees)
  • Start Up in Hong Kong (from $30k Investment to $10M Sales in 3rd Year)
  • Own Factory in Vietnam
  • Subsidiary in Brisbane / AU
  • since 2008 Consulting Asia Pacific
  • 6 Years Regional CEO German BPO (3x Sales, 15...20% Efficiency Improvement / Year)

Thomas Zagler? Who's That?

Thomas Zagler

26+ Years Business Development in APAC

  • Born in Vienna / A
  • 1997 move to Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
  • Project Quality Assurance (38 Factories, approx. 7,000 Employees)
  • Start Up in Hong Kong (from $30k Investment to $10M Sales in 3rd Year)
  • Own Factory in Vietnam
  • Subsidiary in Brisbane / AU
  • since 2008 Consulting Asia Pacific
  • 6 Years Regional CEO German BPO (3x Sales, 15...20% Efficiency Improvement / Year)

Let's Hop On A Call

and get to know each other!

Email, Text, or Connect any way that suits you best

It does not cost you a thing!

  • Worst Case: You've got an experienced personal contact in Asia Pacific that might come handy one day.
  • Best Case: You get some priceless input for your business development in Asia Pacific for FREE!

Email, Text, or Connect any way that suits you best

Thomas Zagler

Consulting and Business Services

Klederinger Strasse 15

A-2320 Schwechat, Austria/EU

+43 660 9399110

14th Floor, HM Town Building

412 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, P5

Q3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

+84 98 1412220

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Copyright © Thomas Zagler

All Rights Reserved