Asia Pacific

 Business Development

Coaching & Consulting

Who is this for?

Key personnel assigned with planning, developing, and managing sales and business operations in Asia Pacific

  • Local/Regional Executives at APAC Subsidiaries
  • Global Heads of Business Development Asia Pacific at Corporate Headquarters

The Challenges

  • Slow Growth / Mediocre Results
  • Inefficient Operations / High Cost
  • Lack of Transparency
  • Low Employee Engagement
  • Lack / Loss of Key Personnel
  • High Fluctuation / Lack of Stability
  • Not Getting “The Message” Across
  • Cultural Challenges / Team Polarization
  • ...


  • Not Being Sure How and Where to Start

The Solution

A sparring and guidance partner

  • who is a resident and at home in the region
  • who has 26+ years hands-on business development experience directly in the region
  • with an exceptional success record
  • in a broad variety of different industries
  • who has a real-life-understanding of the challenges

The Solution

A sparring and guidance partner

  • who is a resident and at home in the region
  • who has 26+ years hands-on business development experience directly in the region
  • with an exceptional success record
  • in a broad variety of different industries
  • who has a real-life-understanding of the challenges

The Method


"Every situation is unique!"


  • your products
  • your business model
  • your current situation/position/results
  • your ambitions and plans
  • ...


"The right questions lead the way!"


  • your current position/strategy
  • your current kpis/results
  • your structures/workflows/methods
  • possible frictions/bottlenecks
  • ...


"Have a good plan instead of a bad hangover!"


  • your market entry
  • your sales and marketing strategy
  • your budgets and financial requirements
  • your personnel strategy
  • ...


"The good old 'Time is money!'"


  • your sales channels
  • your locations
  • your teams
  • your local structures
  • your supply chains
  • your domestic and international workflows
  • ...


"Inefficiency kills growth and profits!"

Continuously Improving

  • your process efficiency
  • your employee engagement
  • your sales methods and performance
  • your intercultural experience
  • ...

The Outcome

  • Improved Sales Performance
  • More Transparency and Control
  • Increased Work Efficiency / Reduced Operating Cost
  • Improved Planning Accuracy
  • Better Intercultural Cooperation / Reduced Friction
  • More Personal Fun and Joy in a Culturally Diverse Work Environment
  • ...
  • More Sales ➜ Faster Growth ➜ Happy Bosses and Shareholders

Thomas Zagler? Who's That?

Thomas Zagler

26+ Years Business Development in APAC

  • Born in Vienna / Austria
  • 1997 move to Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
  • Project Quality Assurance (38 Factories, approx. 7,000 Employees)
  • Start Up in Hong Kong (from $30k Investment to $10M Sales in 3rd Year)
  • Own Factory in Vietnam
  • Subsidiary in Brisbane / AU
  • since 2008 Consulting Asia Pacific
  • 6 Years Regional CEO German BPO (3x Sales, 15...20% Efficiency Improvement / Year)

Thomas Zagler? Who's That?

Thomas Zagler

26+ Years Business Development in APAC

  • Born in Vienna / A
  • 1997 move to Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
  • Project Quality Assurance (38 Factories, approx. 7,000 Employees)
  • Start Up in Hong Kong (from $30k Investment to $10M Sales in 3rd Year)
  • Own Factory in Vietnam
  • Subsidiary in Brisbane / AU
  • since 2008 Consulting Asia Pacific
  • 6 Years Regional CEO German BPO (3x Sales, 15...20% Efficiency Improvement / Year)

Let's Hop On A Call

and get to know each other!

Email, Text, or Connect any way that suits you best

It does not cost you a thing!

  • Worst Case: You've got an experienced personal contact in Asia Pacific that might come handy one day.
  • Best Case: You get some priceless input for your business development in Asia Pacific for FREE!

Email, Text, or Connect any way that suits you best

Thomas Zagler

Consulting and Business Services

Klederinger Strasse 15

A-2320 Schwechat, Austria/EU

+43 660 9399110

14th Floor, HM Town Building

412 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, P5

Q3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

+84 98 1412220

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Copyright © Thomas Zagler

All Rights Reserved